
Alex R. Wade Ph.D.

wadelab::Alex Wade

After completing an undergraduate degree in Natural Sciences at Cambridge and a PhD in Neuroscience at the Institute of Ophthalmology in UCL, I worked with Brian Wandell at Stanford University from 1999 to 2002 using fMRI to study low-level visual processes. In 2002 I became the coordinator of the Brain Imaging Center at the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Insitute (SKERI) and in 2005 I was made a principal investigator.

In 2011 I became a Professor in the Psychology department of the University of York, UK. I am also an assistant adjunct Professor at the Department of Neurology in UCSF.

For the past 5 years I have been funded by the NIH and NSF to study early visual pathways in humans using fMRI, high-density EEG and psychophysics. In the UK I was recently awarded a European career reintegration grant to study contrast gain control in both normal subjects and patients with neurological disease.

Contact details:

Room B103

Department of Psychology

University of York

Heslington YO10 5DD


email: (lastname)


Vischeck color blindness resource

Tinyeyes infant vision simulator